Dr. R.Senthuran , M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,B.L., D.Let.,- President
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam's Vision 2020
create spotless community of youth of Intellectual Superiority,
Social Competence and Moral uprightness by animating in them the
sprit of unfailing discipline, untiring endeavours and undeterred
To create the inspired student community
to exercise their ardent potentials to elevate India to a Super
Power, a Leader of the World.
To trigger off the innate talent
of an individual student to scale up himself, the family, the society,
the nation and the world.
To inspire the student to nurse
the long unaddressed dreams in him to be the weapon to scale greater
break the barrier of frog-in-well mind set / attitude in the rural
students to draw him to the global platform for achievement.
To create the student with the spirit
of sacrifice,so the achievement being the oil to the lamp of progress
of the humanity.
To motivate the student to render
his commendable contribution to the global peace and prosperity.